Days 5-6 - July 9-10 San Francisco

Glide Memorial Church Ellis Street Tenerloin
We skipped breakfast and walked to the Glide Memorial Church in Tenderloin for the 11 am Sunday service.

The church was featured in scenes from the film The Pursuit of Happyness with Will Smith.

The service had exceptional music and choir with lots of personal stories, dancing, hallelujahs and 'right on's'.

It was a happy and uplifting experience and nothing like the masses of my childhood.

Streets of San Francisco
Pacific Heights
We had a delicious Italian lunch at North Beach (Little Italy) and walked back through Chinatown.

I joined the wine reception at the hotel and then we did a little shopping, the Yerba Buena gardens and enjoyed an Indian meal before turning in.

Lombard Street Russian Hill
Day 6.

The queue for the Pinecrest Diner went around the block so we bought supplies and had breakfast in our room whist packing for the flight to New York.